Vol - Com WednesdaysWe know that our volunteers provide us with an enormous resource in helping us to support the local community. They bring a wealth of ability, knowledge, experience, and skills that complements everyone who works at the Centre.


Did you know that volunteering at Hale Community and Youth Centre is an all-year-round activity!  There are no upper age limits to who can volunteer as we believe that volunteers across all ages, bring a huge wealth of personal interests, skills, and experience to benefit the community and support the work of the charity; in all that we do we aim to: 

  • Improve health and well-being and reduce levels of anxiety, stress, depression and associated ill-health.
  • Reduce isolation.
  • Improve confidence and self-reliance.
  • Improve levels of education, skills and training. And these are achieved only through the hard work and dedication of our staff and volunteers.


Our volunteering relationship is based on trust and does not involve the requirements associated with employment. No payment, other than the reimbursement of agreed expenses, is made by Hale Community and Youth Centre to those who give their time as volunteers.


Volunteers have always been at the heart of the Hale Community and Youth Centre. They are involved in several aspects of the work we do. They do everything from governing the charity to making things happen!




What can you do to get more involved:

  • Become a Friend of Hale Community and Youth Centre and keep up to date on what is taking place by regularly receiving a copy of our monthly Newsletters – join our mail list here today!
  • Support the activities at Hale Community and Youth Centre as a volunteer?
  • Are you already involved in an organisation that could offer free sessions? 

If you would like more information on any of our projects or are able to volunteer please contact the Centre Manager on 07471 180958 or by email at