A star-studded cast indeed on the evening of Tuesday 5th December at G-Live in Guildford, hosted by Marcus Buckland, an award-winning sports presenter. 12 awards were given to Surrey County Council staff and volunteers and residents within Surrey in the second year of Stars in Surrey, with a growing number of nominations and awards, which included Community Hero Awards, the Greener Future Champion Award and Frontline Worker of the Year Award. Joanna Killian, Chief Executive of Surrey County Council said ‘ …these awards … are a wonderful opportunity for us all to stop and reflect upon some of the many amazing individuals, teams, workers, volunteers and residents in Surrey who go above and beyond in their daily lives to make a difference.’
The Hale Community Centre’s proud team were there as one of 38 shortlisted finalists out of hundreds of nominations for one or other of the awards. The Centre was selected for the ‘award for outstanding customer service’ – an award that ‘seeks to recognise those who care for their customers and ensure their needs are always met’. Also nominated for this award were HOPE, Guildford – a mutli-agency service for young people aged 11-18 – and Horley Library Services, with HOPE ending up as the winner.
Along with enjoying a delicious meal, all were entertained by Fiaa Hamilton’s singing and Magician Ben Williams amazing magic tricks.