North Farnham Voice recently published post - 'a summary of local charities who can help those in need'

This is the current list on the North Farnham Voice website. Please do let Catherine know if there are any missing -

  • Hale Community Centre including Hale Community Fridge and Cupboard - No referrals needed, no questions asked just come and help yourself this will help reduce food waste, open 10 until 12 Monday to Friday -
  • Farnham Foodbank – can help with food, or 07901 581539
  • Wrap up Farnham – Need a winter coat they can help - via the maltings 01252 745444
  • Farnham Frontline Money Advise – if you are in financial crisis they can help 01252 560 752, or you can call 0808 2082138 for free (open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) and via
  • Farnham Coronavirus Support Fund – can provided up to £300 to Farnham residents to assist with urgent essentials - or The Farnham Coronavirus Support Fund, c/o Farnham Town Council, South Street, Farnham, GU9 7RN
  • The Dempster Trust – one off grants for people living in Farnham or 07768 148039
  • Bishop Sumner Educational Foundation - Grants are available to young people aged under 24 for items and activities such as textbooks, musical instruments or lessons, educational visits and sport
  • Hale Cottage Trust - assists residents of the Parish of Badshot Lea and Hale with medical prescriptions, fuel and necessities -
  • Farnham Job Bank - help and guidance on job hunting and CVs - 07815 925563 or email
  • Hygiene bank - www.
  • Farnham Assist - Organises social activities for older people such as Knit ‘n’ Natter, Pie and Pint pub lunches and coffee mornings.
  • Care Farnham - A voluntary organisation which drives people in transport need to their medical appointments. or 01252 71 66 55 (5 days a week from 9.30am to 12:30)
  • Brightwells Community Meal Service - Supporting those who need help to ensure that they regularly have a fresh, nutritionally balanced, cooked meal, delivered hot and ready to eat. Dietary requirements catered for and no referrals needed. or 01252 727280.
  • Samaritans – call free on 116 123 (24 hours a day 365 days a year)
  • Hedgehogs – helping local people in need -
  • Farnham Lions – helping the local community -
  • Farnham Round Table – helping the raise funds for local charities -
11:40, 31 Aug 2021 by Melissa Salisbury