North Farnham Voice Facebook Post - 1st April
North Farnham is an amazing place to live with a wonderful community.
There are some amazing unsung heroes in our community who regularly go out to collect litter from local streets, clean street signs, plant bulbs, look after plants and generally make the place look nicer.
This year it would be great to get more people involved. It isn't possible to organise a mass litter pick at the moment with the COVID restrictions so instead today sees the start of the North Farnham April Spring Clean Campaign.
Can you help?
Find an unloved area
Take a before photo
Pick up any litter (using a litter picker, bagging the waste and taking it home for disposal)
Clean any signs that can be easily reached
Clear pavements of debris
With the owners permission clear any overhanging vegetation from pavements
Take an after photo
Share your before and after photos on the North Farnham Voice's Facebook page and be proud you made a difference.
If you spot somewhere you think might be a good location for bulbs or other plants in the future please let us know - photo and location please.
A frightening statistic I saw recently is that UK Local Authorities and Highways England spends £1billion a year on clearing up litter!! If we can stop littering we could instead use that money to fund
a 2% pay rise for NHS staff
More community social and sports facilities
Improved social services across our communities
Spread the word lets work together to give our community a spring clean and keep it clean!
21:56, 01 Apr 2021
by Melissa Salisbury