Before our world was changed through COVID-19 we were able to enjoy the Mayors Variety Show on Saturday 14th March at Crondall Village Hall. And for all sorts of reasons I was so glad we did – it was fun, it took our mind off the looming crisis and raised much needed resources for both ourselves and Space2Grow – the Mayor’s two chosen charities of the year. It was, as the title suggests, an evening of variety. We were treated to the rousing songs of the Suffletunes choir, the talents of the Carrington family on piano, oboe, cello and the 4-year old on percussion, young dramatists from Theatre Rocket putting on a memorable performance with a ten year old girl brilliantly performing ‘my old man said follow the van ….’ and monologues from ex Farnham Town Crier, Jonathan Jones. The finale was a ‘sing-along’ led by Sue Lampard and Geoff Hiscott, who together were responsible for choreographing and compering the evening.
Part way through we all enjoyed a fish and chip supper with a chocolate ice cream to follow.
The Mayor of Farnham, Councillor Pat Evans, who hosted the evening says: “This is the first time we have held a variety show and what a fantastic success it was. It was a wonderful evening for the local community to be together.” Agreed.
Taking into account ticket sales, bar and raffle, the evening raised £1,000 for the two charities who will be in need of this once we are through this period of national emergency.
We want to wish you all the best and please do come and see us once this is all over: we will have to find another way of celebrating together